Saradasridevi popularly known as Bombay Saradha hails from musically talented families on both sides. When she was just 7, she sang for the Mani Ratnam film, Bombay the ever popular A.R.Rahman’s song Kuchi Kuchi Rakkama and the film’s name has since stuck to hers. Saradha was initiated into classical music at the age of five under the tutelage of Smt Sarojini Balakrishnan. She had further intensive training from her mother Smt M.R.Vijaya.
She has now branched into Tamil devotional music also and has given sterling and stirring performances in front of large and enthusiastic listeners in many places in Tamil Nadu and abroad especially in temples, Tamil organizations, Tamil isai sangams, sabhas etc. Mesmerizing melody, tantalizing tempo and nerve-tingling novelty, the hallmarks of young Saradha’s recitals, make them stand apart from the ordinary and prosaic.
Download the Bombay Saradha Bhakti Songs app and get a collection of over 100 tamil devotional songs sung by Bombay Saradha on various deities.
Features :-
1. Free Download Bombay Saradha devotional songs in tamil
2. Works on 2G/ EDGE network as well.
3. Featuring Bombay Saradha Bhakti Songs. Once Streamed Song can be played in OFFLINE Mode also.
4. User friendly Interface.
5. Simple to use and Easy to Navigate.
Saradasridevi俗称孟买Saradha从双方的音乐才华家庭冰雹。当时她只有7,她演唱了拜纳姆电影,孟买日益流行的A.R.Rahman的歌曲库奇库奇Rakkama和电影的名字从此陷进去她的。 Saradha在五SMT萨罗吉尼维文师从岁开始到古典音乐。她从她的母亲SMT M.R.Vijaya进一步的强化训练。
特征 :-
2. 2G / EDGE网络上的作品也是如此。